Beginners Guide to Contemporary Home Staging

Selling a home can be a huge turning point in your adult life. If you’re a current homeowner, you know how valuable it is to have a safe and comfortable shelter to go home to every day. Even if your home is not a liquid asset, you can still enjoy knowing your wealth is in the hundred-thousand-dollar range. Eventually, you will improve your residential property to the point where it becomes a contemporary home, further boosting its value. When you know you have a very up-to-date and functional house in your hands, you might start considering selling it to buy yourself another property.

Unfortunately, the selling price for your home in the real estate market might expose you to a disappointing result. Your home appraisal might be significantly lower than what you expected, making you reconsider selling your home. However, you can find many ways to boost the selling price, and it has everything to do with contemporary home staging. Making your home feel more move-in-ready for potential buyers can ensure they consider putting up a higher bid than the property’s market value. Still, you might need to invest in a few projects to achieve it. Here is a guide to proper contemporary home staging to boost your home’s selling price.

Check the Roof’s Health

The first thing that comes to mind when performing a contemporary home staging process is enhancing aesthetics. You will often hear about curb appeal and modern interior design as the best and most efficient tactics to boost a property’s value. However, they pale in comparison to ensuring functionality and reliability. A general home inspection focuses more on the structural aspects, taking a few points off the home appraisal process when they uncover maintenance and repair needs. While it is easy to pay attention to walls and pillars, it is the roof where you have to focus attention.

The roof is often neglected because homeowners often lack visibility on it. Unfortunately, it might take something urgent, like a leak or a cave-in, before you start worrying about it. The roof’s durability is outstanding, to the point where it can still protect your shelter even if it is missing or broken a few shingles. Still, those flaws will affect your home appraisal, making it necessary to fix the roof as part of the contemporary home staging process. Getting residential roofers can ensure the roof receives the maintenance and repair tasks it needs. Roofers have the safety gear and equipment to accomplish the task without risking their lives, something that might not be possible for the average homeowner. Even if you do not suspect anything wrong with the roof, residential roofers can inspect its health and ensure that it won’t affect your property’s value, even making suggestions to enhance the feature if possible.

Install a Wooden Fence

When performing contemporary home staging, your efforts must start from the outside. Attracting home buyers should begin when they arrive on the street. When your home stands out from your neighborhood, it can be easy to convince those prospects that your home is worth a higher bid than the estimated market value. As a result, you might want to focus on curb appeal. However, there is so much more to a good curb appeal than just aesthetics. People want their homes to be not only visually appealing but also safe. Fortunately, the fence is a home feature that provides the best combination of aesthetics and protection.

Adding a fence to the home can be a good curb appeal addition, allowing you to turn your contemporary home staging show into a glimpse of what potential homeowners will get in terms of security when they buy the property. You can choose from a variety of materials, from metal and iron to composite. However, cedar wood is one of the most common materials you will find in many American homes. You can hire a cedar fence company to help you install the amenity. You can add more outdoor features to improve curb appeal, but installing a fence can be the most rewarding investment if you want to accomplish your contemporary home staging process successfully.

Add a Patio Deck

Of course, curb appeal will still be crucial for contemporary home staging. Making a good first impression will be a necessity to lock in potential homebuyers, allowing you to pique their interest the moment they enter the street. Outdoor amenities play a huge role in boosting curb appeal, which can even add 7% to your home’s overall value. There are plenty of outdoor amenities you can experiment with. The swimming pool is always a classic, allowing homeowners to enjoy a refreshing outdoor activity. A fire pit can create a cozy environment at night, providing families with bonding memories. However, the best option to invest in for outdoor amenities is a patio deck.

A patio deck can provide a comfortable and functional family space, hitting both aspects of curb appeal aesthetics and a livable outdoor hangout area. Moreover, patios have awnings or roof structures, providing the necessary shade to protect people from harsh weather. You can secure patio deck installation services to ensure you have the outdoor amenity worth investing in. If you have enough space, you can add additional features, such as outdoor kitchens and outdoor living rooms, on the patio deck. This strategy can help you make the outdoor area attractive for homebuyers.

Keep the Surroundings Clean

Sometimes, contemporary home staging is not about adding stuff and fixing maintenance needs. Most of the time, you only need to make your property presentable. Before you let homebuyers into your home for inspection, you must ensure you keep it neat. Clutter can be unpleasing to the eyes, contributing to a hostile environment that might leave a sour taste in the mouths of your potential homebuyers. Unorganized paperwork, dirty fabrics, and unstored items might not contribute to your property’s overall market value, but the first impressions you worked hard to build might not matter when homebuyers enter your home.

You can start with cleaning up to ensure you keep a neat indoor environment. Regular household chores will be necessary, allowing you to identify areas where you might need to perform deeper cleaning. However, you might require assistance to accomplish the tasks needed for proper contemporary home staging. You might find that there is more clutter than expected, requiring you to get affordable dumpster rental services. Your carpet and upholstery might need more than just a regular wash, making you secure deep cleaning services. However, you will find that contemporary home staging will also require you to remove personal decorations and photos. You can declutter those items yourself by temporarily storing them in storage areas. Once you maintain a clean environment, your homebuyer candidates will feel that the property is well-prepared for them to move in immediately.

Upgrade the Kitchen

Of course, contemporary home staging will not be complete without renovation projects. If you want to ensure you fetch a high price for your residential property, you must be willing to splash big bucks on its improvement. However, you must be strategic with what project you want to pursue. If you are looking for the biggest moneymaker in renovations, it will be the kitchen remodel.

Kitchen remodels are often the least-prioritized home improvement project because of how essential the area is for everyday use. People need to cook and eat meals at least three times a day, making any renovations in the area inconvenient. As a result, it is often the most outdated area that pulls down a property’s real estate market value. However, a kitchen remodel can be expensive, especially when you’re considering a major project that involves changing plumbing networks and switching from gas-powered appliances to electric ones.

You might have to take the remodeling process step-by-step to accomplish the kitchen renovation within a budget. You can start with the aesthetic changes, particularly the cabinets and pantries. Those pieces complete the look of an updated kitchen, allowing homeowners to feel like the area can accommodate everything they need for meal preparation. You can find many kitchen cabinet designs that fit trendy home designs, making your contemporary home staging process more aesthetic. If you are planning for major renovations, you must consider hiring kitchen remodeling contractors. They have the tools and experience to execute the kitchen design and functionality to match the upgrades you made to the rest of your home. Kitchen renovations will vary from countertop installations to appliance replacements, but they can all contribute to a higher market value. It might be challenging to build the budget to execute the renovations, but it will all be worth it when it’s time to sell your home.

Remodel the Bathroom

Of course, bathrooms are another area with the same value-boosting aspect as kitchen renovations. They are also crucial to people’s everyday routine as the space where they can cleanse and relieve themselves. As a result, it doesn’t receive the renovations it needs for contemporary home staging. Bathroom remodels offer over 50% returns on investment when you decide to renovate it, making it an ideal project to pursue before you sell your home. Like the kitchen, you must seek professional help when renovating it.

Local bathroom contractors are necessary when you want to pursue renovations for that space. They know how to handle the intricacies of renovating an area susceptible to water damage, flooding, or plumbing complications. They can also make suggestions when making upgrades to features like the toilet or bathtubs. Vanity section installations, tile replacements, and drainage system tweaks will also ensure proper functionality and design for the bathroom, making your investments in those pros worth it for the contemporary home staging process.

Clear the Yard

Curb appeal will always be the first choice in terms of upgrades because of the impact it has on overall property value and potential buyer attraction. As a result, homeowners might want to invest in upgrades like amenities and siding improvements. However, they might be missing out on the most impactful improvement, which is proper garden maintenance. Greenery can make a home feel like a healthy environment, making homebuyers think that the space is good for their overall lifestyle. While you can perform basic gardening tasks, you might want to get local lawn care services for transformations necessary for the home staging process.

Lawn care specialists have the supplies and equipment to enhance the front lawn, ensuring homebuyers that the area has been maintained by professionals. They can also ensure that the backyard is well-maintained, ensuring that homeowners have a healthy space for gatherings. Most lawn care businesses also have tree service contractors. They can plant trees strategically for aesthetic and functional purposes, as well as remove overgrown branches or trees that might be posing structural or hazardous risks. Of course, the work is not done with professional intervention. You must still perform daily gardening tasks to ensure that the area is well-prepared for potential homebuyers.

Inspect and Maintain the Plumbing System

Home systems will also require attention when you want to boost property value, particularly the plumbing system. They might be hidden behind walls, but pipes can wreak havoc when they suffer from cracks, leaks, and bursts. Moreover, the drainage system might have problems like internal clogs, compromising the entire plumbing network. When home inspectors uncover those flaws, your home’s property value will take a massive hit. Repairing those plumbing system flaws will be expensive, but they will be necessary.

Getting plumbers can help diagnose and repair those plumbing system issues. They have the tools and knowledge to fix problematic areas while taking cautionary measures for those threatening to compromise the issue. Plumbers can also perform a drain cleaning service, ensuring that clogs will not be a problem that could cause visible issues. It might be an additional expense for your home staging process, but it is necessary to ensure proper functionality for your plumbing system.

Preparing your home for the staging process takes a lot of work. However, it is necessary if you want homebuyers to feel that your property is their next residence. These steps can help you boost the value, but there are others you can try. Still, performing these can significantly help your chances of attracting buyers.

About the Author

Trevor Norton

Introducing Trevor Norton, an influential author reshaping the urban real estate landscape through Spectrum Magazine. With a diverse background in architecture, finance, and urban planning, Trevor brings a multidimensional perspective to his readers. He dedicates himself to sharing invaluable insights and innovative strategies for navigating the ever-changing urban real estate market. Recognized for his fresh approach, Trevor empowers homebuyers and sellers with expert advice on financing and unlocking the full potential of urban spaces. Through his engaging writing style, Trevor invites you on a transformative journey, guiding you towards the boundless possibilities of urban homeownership.

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